The Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) is the national body with responsibility for accreditation in Ireland.
INAB was established in 1985 and is a Committee of the Health and Safety Authority (hereafter the Authority) under legislation (Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, as amended by the Industrial Development (Dissolution of Forfas) Act 2014.
INAB staff are employees of the Health and Safety Authority. The HSA is an agency of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and in 2010; the Department notified the European Commission that INAB was the sole accreditation body for Ireland in line with regulation EC/765/2008.
INAB accredits laboratories, certification bodies, verification bodies, biobanks, reference material producers and inspection bodies. It provides accreditation in accordance with the relevant International Organisation for Standardisation ISO 17000 series of standards. INAB is also the statutory body responsible for Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), as set out in statutory instrument, S.I. 18/2020.
Assessment managers are lead assessors for each client, assessing the quality management system; the lead assessors are supported by externally contracted expertise, collectively comprising the team for each assessment.
INAB is committed to providing accreditation to the highest standards of customer service and in a manner demonstrating impartiality and integrity. INAB is also committed to seeking and responding to feedback in order to improve the accreditation services offered.
The Accreditation Board has approved the following policies which are publicly available: