Become an Assessor with INAB

INAB Documents

INAB issues requirement, policy and guidance documents for all accreditation schemes. Additionally, the international organisations – European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA), the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) issue directly applicable mandatory and guidance documents.

Title Doc. No. Issue Date
Assessor contract template (company) (175.88 Kb)
C-Assessors-Comp 26/3/2023 
Assessor contract template (individual) (175.19 Kb)
C-Assessors-Ind 26/3/2023 
Title Doc. No. Issue Date
INAB Fee Schedule (202.6 Kb)
FeeSched-1 1/1/2025 

Please note that the VAT Rate for All Fees is at 23%

Title Doc. No. Issue Date
Classification - Construction Material Testing (31.3 Kb)
ST4CRM 6/7/2021 
Classification - Heat,Temperature & Humidity (23.21 Kb)
ST10CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Acoustic & Vibration Testing (14.85 Kb)
ST1CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Biological & Veterinary Testing (32.31 Kb)
ST2CRM 6/7/2021 
Classification - Chemical Testing (24.61 Kb)
ST3CRM 6/7/2021 
Classification - Electrical Testing (17.2 Kb)
ST17CRM 30/1/2023 
Classification - Forensic Science (23.6 Kb)
ST14CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Gambling Systems (17.29 Kb)
ST27CRM 28/3/2023 
Classification - Laboratory - Notified Body (14.57 Kb)
ST22CRM 1/10/2019 
Classification - Mechanical Testing (28.17 Kb)
ST5CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Medical Testing (77.96 Kb)
ST6CRM 6/1/2023 
Classification - Metrology Calibration (24.74 Kb)
ST8CRM 21/11/2023 
Classification - NDT Testing (14.3 Kb)
ST18CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Optical Testing (20.15 Kb)
ST16CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Radiometry Testing (13.66 Kb)
ST19CRM 30/9/2019 
Guidance on CAB establishment in Ireland for the purpose of accreditation (0.6 Mb)
GD03 3/8/2022 
Guidance on Consultants Contracts for ISO 15189 laboratories and assessors (148.73 Kb)
GD01 31/5/2018 
Guidance on How do I apply for a Flexible Scope? (243.52 Kb)
CRM-FS20 20/11/2020 
INAB Assessment Procedures (0.5 Mb)
P7 8/7/2024 
INAB Customer Charter (0.87 Mb)
GD06 8/3/2023 
INAB guidance on assessment planning (0.5 Mb)
GD04 21/11/2023 
Interpreting INAB Scopes of Accreditation (311.11 Kb)
CRM-FS14 20/11/2023 
New Applicants – Applying for Accreditation using the INAB CRM (0.77 Mb)
CRM-FS-24 31/1/2020 
Title Doc. No. Issue Date
Assessment and accreditation of Opinions and Interpretations using ISO 17025:2017 (0.66 Mb)
PS28 6/7/2021 
Code of Conduct for Assessment Visits (0.81 Mb)
PS8 7/1/2021 
Flexible Scope of Accreditation for ISO 17025 and ISO 15189 Testing Laboratories (400.32 Kb)
PS11 20/6/2024 
Guide to Method Validation for Quantitative Analysis in Chemical Testing Laboratories (ISO 17025) (0.65 Mb)
PS15 31/3/2019 
INAB Policy on Impartiality (166.26 Kb)
PS26 8/7/2024 
INAB Policy Statement on Mechanisms of Feedback to INAB (0.57 Mb)
PS25 17/1/2022 
INAB Policy Statement on Scope Format for Calibration Laboratories (312.87 Kb)
PS27 21/11/2023 
Minimum Verification Requirements for ISO 17025 and ISO 15189 Testing Laboratories (339.13 Kb)
PS24 6/7/2021 
Policy for accreditation of Point of Care testing (POCT) (230.82 Kb)
PS31 21/11/2023 
Policy for accredited organisations undertaking work in an area which is regulated by legislation (0.5 Mb)
PS12 31/10/2018 
Policy for Laboratories Performing Tests on Biological Agents (215.24 Kb)
PS3 21/11/2023 
Policy for the accreditation of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques (0.54 Mb)
PS29 31/10/2019 
Policy on assessment of quality system documentation and data in an electronic environment (0.64 Mb)
PS14 6/7/2021 
Policy on calculated methods (506.33 Kb)
PS36 17/1/2022 
Policy on laboratory refurbishments/renovations, the movement of accredited testing equipment, and new laboratory equipment (ISO17025 & ISO15189) (225.54 Kb)
PS32 4/1/2023 
Policy on legal entities (0.53 Mb)
PS30 14/7/2020 
Policy on Measurement Traceability (248.34 Kb)
PS5 5/7/2024 
Policy on Performance Reports (0.51 Mb)
PS4 6/7/2021 
Policy on Proficiency Testing (258.81 Kb)
PS1 5/7/2024 
Policy on the accreditation and assessment of multi-site and cross-border conformity assessment bodies (0.7 Mb)
PS19 17/1/2022 
Policy on the Provision of Accredited Services (252.18 Kb)
PS23 28/10/2022 
Policy on Unannounced Visits to INAB Accredited Organisations (158.61 Kb)
PS6 4/1/2023 
Policy Statement on scope format for testing laboratories accredited to ISO 15189 (0.67 Mb)
PS35 17/1/2022 
Policy Statement on Scope Format for Testing Laboratories accredited to ISO 17025 (0.67 Mb)
PS34 6/7/2021 
Principles for the Assessment and Accreditation of Sampling Methods (0.61 Mb)
PS17 31/10/2018 
Submission of Documentation in advance of an INAB assessment visit (273.11 Kb)
PS10 20/6/2024