Become an Assessor with INAB

Mandatory Policy Documents

Title Doc. No. Issue Date
INAB Fee Schedule (202.6 Kb)
FeeSched-1 1/1/2025 

Please note that the VAT Rate for All Fees is at 23%

Title Doc. No. Issue Date
Classification - Construction Material Testing (31.3 Kb)
ST4CRM 6/7/2021 
Classification - Heat,Temperature & Humidity (23.21 Kb)
ST10CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Acoustic & Vibration Testing (14.85 Kb)
ST1CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Biobanking (24.87 Kb)
ST25CRM 13/7/2022 
Classification - Biological & Veterinary Testing (32.31 Kb)
ST2CRM 6/7/2021 
Classification - Certification of Persons - Notified Body (14.05 Kb)
ST24CRM 6/7/2021 
Classification - Certification of Persons Bodies (18.97 Kb)
ST13CRM 30/1/2023 
Classification - Chemical Testing (24.61 Kb)
ST3CRM 6/7/2021 
Classification - Electrical Testing (17.2 Kb)
ST17CRM 30/1/2023 
Classification - Forensic Science (23.6 Kb)
ST14CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Gambling Systems (17.29 Kb)
ST27CRM 28/3/2023 
Classification - Inspection - Notified Body (13.62 Kb)
ST20CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Inspection Bodies (21.12 Kb)
ST9CRM 30/1/2023 
Classification - Laboratory - Notified Body (14.57 Kb)
ST22CRM 1/10/2019 
Classification - Management Systems Certification - Notified Body (13.55 Kb)
ST21CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Management Systems Certification Bodies (32.96 Kb)
ST7CRM 5/7/2024 
Classification - Mechanical Testing (28.17 Kb)
ST5CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Medical Testing (77.96 Kb)
ST6CRM 6/1/2023 
Classification - Metrology Calibration (24.74 Kb)
ST8CRM 21/11/2023 
Classification - NDT Testing (14.3 Kb)
ST18CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Optical Testing (20.15 Kb)
ST16CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Product Certification - Notified Body (13.8 Kb)
ST23CRM 24/7/2024 
Classification - Product Certification Classification (20.5 Kb)
ST12CRM 30/1/2023 
Classification - Radiometry Testing (13.66 Kb)
ST19CRM 30/9/2019 
Classification - Reference Materials Producers (15.34 Kb)
ST15CRM 4/1/2023 
Classification - Validation and verification Body (16.61 Kb)
ST26CRM 28/11/2021 
Classification - Verification GHG Body (22.72 Kb)
ST11CRM 7/1/2022 
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) – Compliance Monitoring Programme (376.87 Kb)
GLP Manual 21/11/2023 
Guidance on CAB establishment in Ireland for the purpose of accreditation (0.6 Mb)
GD03 3/8/2022 
Guidance on Consultants Contracts for ISO 15189 laboratories and assessors (148.73 Kb)
GD01 31/5/2018 
Guidance on How do I apply for a Flexible Scope? (243.52 Kb)
CRM-FS20 20/11/2020 
INAB Assessment Procedures (0.5 Mb)
P7 8/7/2024 
INAB Customer Charter (0.87 Mb)
GD06 8/3/2023 
INAB guidance on assessment planning (0.5 Mb)
GD04 21/11/2023 
INAB Notice on Accreditation to ISO 17029 (213.25 Kb)
GD05 10/10/2023 
Interpreting INAB Scopes of Accreditation (311.11 Kb)
CRM-FS14 20/11/2023 
New Applicants – Applying for Accreditation using the INAB CRM (0.77 Mb)
CRM-FS-24 31/1/2020 
Title Doc. No. Issue Date
INAB Transition plan for ISO 15189-2022 (189 Kb)
NF39 19/4/2024 
Accreditation for SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) testing (0.63 Mb)
NF27 15/1/2021 
Accreditation of Clinical Audiology Services to ISO 15189 (0.86 Mb)
NF25 1/4/2020 
Arrangements for bodies transitioning to Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230 (128.63 Kb)
NF41 1/2/2024 
Brexit and British standards for construction materials testing (0.61 Mb)
NF34 1/1/2021 
CAB Bulletin (0.88 Mb)
NF28 6/7/2021 
Change to INAB assessment procedure - Requirements for clearing nonconformities (165.19 Kb)
NF14 21/6/2018 
Determination of the radiation effect in the temperature mapping of temperature controlled enclosures (0.51 Mb)
NF35 6/7/2021 
Inclusion of Climate Change Considerations within Management System Standards (173.85 Kb)
NF42 5/6/2024 
Notification of INAB Scopes of Accreditation and End of Waste Regulations (87.87 Kb)
NF7 1/6/2013 
Notification on Accreditation Queries Functionality in CRM (228.4 Kb)
NF26 2/4/2020 
Notification on Implementation of EA-2/17 M:2020 (1.89 Mb)
NF31 11/2/2021 
Notification on the implementation of EA-3/12 M:2022 (170.07 Kb)
NF37 20/12/2022 
Notification on the implementation of ILAC P15:05/2020 (499.04 Kb)
NF32 29/3/2021 
Notification on Transition Planning ISO 26006 Amd 2020 (0.63 Mb)
NF33 7/4/2021 
Notification on turnaround times (TATs) (163.9 Kb)
NF45 17/2/2025 
Notification Policy on Witnessing Activities and Scope Management for CBs and VBs (88.39 Kb)
Policy on Witnessing Activities & Scope Management for CBs & VBs 17/12/2013 
Notification to INAB Applicant and Accredited Cetification Bodies on Regulation 333/2011 (40.22 Kb)
Notification to Applicant and Accredited Certification Bodies on Reg 333/2011 3/10/2011 
Press Release Joint Communique ISO 15189 (16.77 Kb)
ISO ILAC IAF Press Release Joint Communique on ISO 15189 5/11/2009 
Quick guide on the INAB approach to remote assessments (0.53 Mb)
NF23 6/7/2021 
Transition arrangements for PSA 74:2019 (497.42 Kb)
NF22 24/2/2020 
Transition Requirements for I.S EN 50131 (172.36 Kb)
NF47 17/2/2025 
Transition Requirements for ISO 27001 2022 (251.12 Kb)
NF38 7/3/2023 
Transition Requirements for ISO 50003:2021 (0.61 Mb)
NF36 27/7/2022 
Transition Requirements for ISO/IEC 27006-1:2024 (186.01 Kb)
NF44 17/2/2025 
Transition Requirements for ISO/TS 22003:2022 & FSSC22000 (210.49 Kb)
NF40 11/7/2023 
Title Doc. No. Issue Date
Accreditation of Reference Material Producers (203.32 Kb)
PS21 4/1/2023 
Assessment and accreditation of Opinions and Interpretations using ISO 17025:2017 (0.66 Mb)
PS28 6/7/2021 
Code of Conduct for Assessment Visits (0.81 Mb)
PS8 7/1/2021 
Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes (242.72 Kb)
PS18 5/6/2024 
Flexible Scope of Accreditation for ISO 17025 and ISO 15189 Testing Laboratories (400.32 Kb)
PS11 20/6/2024 
Guide to Method Validation for Quantitative Analysis in Chemical Testing Laboratories (ISO 17025) (0.65 Mb)
PS15 31/3/2019 
INAB Policy on Annual Reporting by Certification Bodies for Risk-Based Assessment Planning (0.62 Mb)
PS7 2/7/2021 
INAB Policy on Impartiality (166.26 Kb)
PS26 8/7/2024 
INAB Policy Statement on Mechanisms of Feedback to INAB (0.57 Mb)
PS25 17/1/2022 
INAB Policy Statement on Scope Format for Calibration Laboratories (312.87 Kb)
PS27 21/11/2023 
Minimum Verification Requirements for ISO 17025 and ISO 15189 Testing Laboratories (339.13 Kb)
PS24 6/7/2021 
Policy for accreditation of Point of Care testing (POCT) (230.82 Kb)
PS31 21/11/2023 
Policy for accredited organisations undertaking work in an area which is regulated by legislation (0.5 Mb)
PS12 31/10/2018 
Policy for Laboratories Performing Tests on Biological Agents (215.24 Kb)
PS3 21/11/2023 
Policy for the accreditation of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques (0.54 Mb)
PS29 31/10/2019 
Policy on assessment of quality system documentation and data in an electronic environment (0.64 Mb)
PS14 6/7/2021 
Policy on calculated methods (506.33 Kb)
PS36 17/1/2022 
Policy on laboratory refurbishments/renovations, the movement of accredited testing equipment, and new laboratory equipment (ISO17025 & ISO15189) (225.54 Kb)
PS32 4/1/2023 
Policy on legal entities (0.53 Mb)
PS30 14/7/2020 
Policy on Measurement Traceability (248.34 Kb)
PS5 5/7/2024 
Policy on Performance Reports (0.51 Mb)
PS4 6/7/2021 
Policy on Proficiency Testing (258.81 Kb)
PS1 5/7/2024 
Policy on the accreditation and assessment of multi-site and cross-border conformity assessment bodies (0.7 Mb)
PS19 17/1/2022 
Policy on the Provision of Accredited Services (252.18 Kb)
PS23 28/10/2022 
Policy on Unannounced Visits to INAB Accredited Organisations (158.61 Kb)
PS6 4/1/2023 
Policy on Witnessing Activities and Scope Management for Certification and Verification Bodies (413.8 Kb)
PS22 5/6/2024 
Policy Statement on scope format for testing laboratories accredited to ISO 15189 (0.67 Mb)
PS35 17/1/2022 
Policy Statement on Scope Format for Testing Laboratories accredited to ISO 17025 (0.67 Mb)
PS34 6/7/2021 
Principles for the Assessment and Accreditation of Sampling Methods (0.61 Mb)
PS17 31/10/2018 
Submission of Documentation in advance of an INAB assessment visit (273.11 Kb)
PS10 20/6/2024