The EA Certification Committee meeting was held in Gothenberg, Sweden on 27th and 28th February 2007. Adrienne Duff and Brid Burke attended on behalf of INAB. The EA Certification Committee comprises of members from the EA Accreditation Bodies and stakeholders representing Certification Body interests.
The Committee considered reports and updates from the EA Executive, IAF and IAF Technical Committees.
The recent changes to IAF and EA guidance documents were reviewed and discussed as were changes to international standards, such as ISO 17021.
New publications are imminent and these include ISO 22003, EA-7/04 on legal compliance and ISO 14065 for Greenhouse Gas Verifiers.
The EA Certification Committee has established several task forces and sub-committees working on matters such as food certification, EMS and ISMS issues, multi-site auditing, Greenhouse Gas accreditation and integrated management system auditing. Each group meets regularly and reports to the EA CC at its twice yearly meetings.
The next meeting is scheduled for 11th and 12th September 2007 in Vienna.