On the 5th and 11th September, INAB held two client workshops in Cork and Dublin, respectively, for its members.
Overall 95 partcipants attended the workshops, representing INAB's applicant and accredited laboratories, inspection and certification bodies.
Tom Dempsey, Manager of INAB opened the event in Cork and Dublin.
The objective of the workshops was to present the findings from the Accreditation Process Survey from 2006. Presentations were made by Tom Dempsey on the structure of INAB . Orla Doyle presented the results from the accreditation process survey accreditation-process-survey (PDF, , 176KB) and in a second presentation outlined the Accreditation Activities and awareness programme
accreditation-activities-and-awareness-programme (PDF, pages 15, 672KB) for INAB. Marie O'Mahony presented on the Accreditation Process
accreditation-process (PDF, Pages 15, 187KB) and James Stapleton covered the Development of INAB Policy and Guidelines
development-of-INAB-policy-and-guidelines (PDF, Pages 21, 348KB) .
Each presentation was followed by question and answer session.
If members have any feedback or comments on the workshops - please complete IP09F2 (DOC, Pages 2, 682KB) Client Feedback Form and submit to inab@inab.ie